Thursday, July 26, 2007

What's wrong with these people?

OK- every summer we hear these stories. "Baby was left in the car by....." What is wrong with people? They are very careful to make sure the car is locked so no one can steal it or the child, but for some reason they don't think about the heat.

How can you not think of the heat?? I just don't get it- Have they never gotten into a car that has been sitting in the sun with all the windows closed?

WHY would you leave a child in the car alone??????? Oh- "baby was asleep so I didn't want to wake her/him," "I only had to get a couple of things." First, we have portable car seats. Second, I would rather wake my children than leave them to roast in a car. Third, why would you take the chance that a stranger could possibly get in your car & take your child (auto theft, kidnappers, etc.)? As far as- "it will only take me a minute"- when did anything ever take "only a minute" when you were in a hurry?? It's Murphy's Law that if it should be a quick trip it will not be.

Your child is always safer with you- if someone wants to kidnap your child- they can break a window or convince your child to unlock the door or open the window! Have you not heard the stories about thieves stealing a car with a baby in it?

If you for some reason "absolutely have to" leave your child in the car, why would you not leave it running with the AC on (which brings up another set of safety issues) or at least leave the window open? In the winter, I have seen some people leave their cars running while they go shopping or to church, so it won't be cold when they get in. Of course, in the summer they leave it with the AC on instead of the heater. WHY can't these parents think of that?

Are they so worried about the environment that they forget about the health & well being of their children? What good is a clean planet if there isn't anyone to live on it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.